The hyper-care team
Since its inception, Aequivalent has dedicated itself to rendering background check processes easier, faster, more efficient, and entirely focused on the employee and HR-user experience.
Aequivalent developed a first version of its digital platform in 2015 and has since become Switzerland’s reference for standardized and customized background checks. Hundreds of clients and thousands of employees have used the Aequivalent platform and provided useful feedback over the last years from a user perspective. Through regular audits and penetration tests, Aequivalent has also constantly updated and improved information security and data protection measures.
The next generation of the Aequivalent platform has integrated many of the feedbacks received and is now coming to fruition. To prepare for this, Aequivalent has assembled a dedicated team who has spent time finetuning the new version of the platform by using it in our own recruitment process. Their role will now become even more pivotal, as they will support selected clients as a “hyper-care team” during the beta-testing phase and oversee training of their colleagues to help them navigate the new features of our platform.

As part of this internal training, an information session has been organized at the beginning of the year, where changes and new features have been demonstrated to all internal stakeholders. More training sessions are yet to come.
The upcoming phase is going to involve a few of our customers, who have agreed to help optimize the platform, before it is implemented for everyone. These clients will climb aboard of the new platform and work with our dedicated team to prepare the launch for all Aequivalent platform users and new clients.
The new platform will become available for all clients in the second quarter of 2023. More news to follow 😊.
Date of publication : 31.01.2023
Author: Aequivalent’s Marketing and Sales team