A first airline uses the Aequivalent platform to digitize the background check process for its staff
The qualifications and integrity of airport and airline personnel play an important role in ensuring aviation safety. European and Swiss regulations have recently been updated and a first renowned airline in Switzerland has chosen the Aequivalent platform to streamline and digitize this lengthy process.
In Switzerland, the Federal Civil Aviation Act (FCAA) regulates background checks. Employees of Swiss airlines who have access to the security zone of the airport must undergo a vetting process. Nevertheless, it is imperative that the person to be checked agrees. (Art. 108b297 FCAA).
The periodical renewal of background checks for existing staff is also provided for by law (Art. 108e300 FCAA) and has recently been strengthened.
In addition, as of 31 December 2021, certain positions must pass an extended background check before being effectively granted privileged access. The European commission defined the extended background checks in the implementing regulation 2019/103 of 23 January 2019, depending on the applicable rules of Union and national law, at least as follows :
- Establish the person’s identity on the basis of a valid government issued document;
- Verification of the criminal record in all countries of residence during at least the preceding 5 years (the criminal record extract must not be older than 30 days at the time of the background check);
- Verification of periods without professional or academic activity, during at least the preceding 5 years (all gaps in the CV of more than 28 days must be declared by the applicant and verified);
- Findings and other relevant information available to national competent authorities which they consider may have an impact on a person’s suitability for a function shall be necessary for extended background checks.
The normal background check as defined by the EU shall include points 1 to 3 of the preceding paragraph. (Implementing Regulation, points 11.1.3 and 11.1.4).

The administrative burden on airlines is therefore only increasing. The organization is required to fully document the dossiers of candidates and employees in order to be compliant with existing legislation, but also to protect sensitive data and to secure information.
European aviation is gradually recovering from the Covid19 crisis and new innovations are expected to improve quality at all levels of the sector, including the optimisation of recruitment processes to attract and select the best staff, optimise the employee experience and streamline compliance processes.

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References :
Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt BAZL. (2023). Aviation Security Newsletter. https://www.bazl.admin.ch/bazl/de/home/flugbetrieb/security/security-aviation-newsletter.html accessed on 06.01.2023
Die Bundesversammlung der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. (2022). Bundesgesetz vom 21. Dezember 1948 über die Luftfahrt (pp. 64–65). https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1950/471_491_479/de accessed on 06.01.2023
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Publication date : 24.01.2023
Author : Alice Biner – Business Development Manager